Broadcasting Maps in Spark

Spark makes it easy to broadcast maps and perform hash lookups in a cluster computing environment.

This post explains how to broadcast maps and how to use these broadcasted variables in analyses.

Simple example

Suppose you have an ArrayType column with a bunch of first names. You’d like to use a nickname map to standardize all of the first names.

Here’s how we’d write this code for a single Scala array.

import scala.util.Try

val firstNames = Array("Matt", "Fred", "Nick")
val nicknames = Map("Matt" -> "Matthew", "Nick" -> "Nicholas")
val res = { (n: String) =>
  Try { nicknames(n) }.getOrElse(n)
res // equals Array("Matthew", "Fred", "Nicholas")

Let’s create a DataFrame with an ArrayType column that contains a list of first names and then append a standardized_names column that runs all the names through a Map.

import scala.util.Try

val nicknames = Map("Matt" -> "Matthew", "Nick" -> "Nicholas")
val n = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(nicknames)

val df = spark.createDF(
    (Array("Matt", "John")),
    (Array("Fred", "Nick")),
  ), List(
    ("names", ArrayType(StringType, true), true)
  array_map((name: String) => Try { n.value(name) }.getOrElse(name))

|names       |standardized_names|
|[Matt, John]|[Matthew, John]   |
|[Fred, Nick]|[Fred, Nicholas]  |
|null        |null              |

We use the spark.sparkContext.broadcast() method to broadcast the nicknames map to all nodes in the cluster.

Spark 2.4 added a transform method that’s similar to the Scala method, but this isn’t easily accessible via the Scala API yet, so we map through all the array elements with the spark-daria array_map method.

Note that we need to call n.value() to access the broadcasted value. This is slightly different than what’s needed when writing vanilla Scala code.

We have some code that works which is a great start. Let’s clean this code up with some good Spark coding practices.

Refactored code

Let’s wrap the withColumn code in a Spark custom transformation, so it’s more modular and easier to test.

val nicknames = Map("Matt" -> "Matthew", "Nick" -> "Nicholas")
val n = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(nicknames)

def withStandardizedNames(n: org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast[Map[String, String]])(df: DataFrame) = {
    array_map((name: String) => Try { n.value(name) }.getOrElse(name))

val df = spark.createDF(
    (Array("Matt", "John")),
    (Array("Fred", "Nick")),
  ), List(
    ("names", ArrayType(StringType, true), true)

|names       |standardized_names|
|[Matt, John]|[Matthew, John]   |
|[Fred, Nick]|[Fred, Nicholas]  |
|null        |null              |

The withStandardizedNames() transformation takes a org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast[Map[String, String]]) as an argument. We can pass our broadcasted Map around as a argument to functions. Scala is awesome.

Building Maps from data files

You can store the nickname data in a CSV file, convert it to a Map, and then broadcast the Map. It’s typically best to store data in a CSV file instead of in a Map that lives in your codebase.

Let’s create a little CSV file with our nickname to firstname mappings.


Let’s read the nickname CSV into a DataFrame, convert it to a Map, and then broadcast it.

import com.github.mrpowers.spark.daria.sql.DataFrameHelpers

val nicknamesPath = new"./src/test/resources/nicknames.csv").getCanonicalPath

val nicknamesDF = spark
  .option("header", "true")
  .option("charset", "UTF8")

val nicknames = DataFrameHelpers.twoColumnsToMap[String, String](

val n = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(nicknames)

def withStandardizedNames(n: org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast[Map[String, String]])(df: DataFrame) = {
    array_map((name: String) => Try { n.value(name) }.getOrElse(name))

val df = spark.createDF(
    (Array("Matt", "John")),
    (Array("Fred", "Nick")),
  ), List(
    ("names", ArrayType(StringType, true), true)

|names       |standardized_names|
|[Matt, John]|[Matthew, John]   |
|[Fred, Nick]|[Fred, Nicholas]  |
|null        |null              |

This code uses the spark-daria DataFrameHelpers.twoColumnsToMap() method to convert the DataFrame to a Map. Use spark-daria whenever possible for these utility-type operations, so you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.


You’ll often want to broadcast small Spark DataFrames when making broadcast joins.

This post illustrates how broadcasting Spark Maps is a powerful design pattern when writing code that executes on a cluster.

Feel free to broadcast any variable to all the nodes in the cluster. You’ll get huge performance gains whenever code is run in parallel on various nodes.


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